In this post, I will detail how calculated emissions have an impact on analytics (views) available out of the box of Sustainability Manager and give insights to stakeholders. The impact

Un tour d'horizon sur Dynamics 365
In this post, I will detail how calculated emissions have an impact on analytics (views) available out of the box of Sustainability Manager and give insights to stakeholders. The impact
Let’s keep going on digging Microsoft Sustainability Manager. If you wish to review the two first posts please go : Microsoft Sustainability Manager – Key concepts and overview Microsoft Sustainability
After introducing the capabilities of Sustainability Manager, let’s dig a little bit into some key features. In this post I will deal with Reference data and Activity data, basically the
Available since June 2022, Microsoft has released quite recently a learn training course regarding this new tool. It’s quite interesting as you are able to run a trial environnent for 30 days
Version Française disponible ici In some contexts using reservation on sales orders, we want to be sure the reservation done (on a batch number for instance) is not allowed to
English version available here Si vous avez pris connaissance du précédent article sur LUIS, vous êtes à présent prêts pour l’étape suivante : le lien entre LUIS et Microsoft Dynamics pour
Version Française disponible ici If you have read the previous post on LUIS, now you are ready to get further on with the interaction between LUIS and Microsoft Dynamics for
English version available here N’avez-vous pas remarqué le discours permanent de Microsoft orienté autour de l’IA ? Probablement que si, et si vous lisez cet article cela signifie que vous portez
Version Française disponible ici Have you ever heard of Microsoft investigating massively in AI ? Probably yes, if you are reading this post, that means you have some interests in what
English version available here Dans certains contextes client où la volumétrie des transactions est importante, on est souvent amené à automatiser le plus possible certains processus. Il existe la possibilité