Financial dimensions Activation

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In MSDyn365FO, since… I don’t know which PU, when creating a new financial dimension you will need to activate it first (Yes, in previous version too, but it’s not my point). For activating it, now you cannot do that without activating your environnement in a maintenance mode.

Why that ? I haven’t got a clue but it’s surely for technical reasons. Anyway I hope this post will be obsolete in the next upcoming PU.

So how to do it ? It’s not a technical blog as you have may noticed, so don’t laught at me with explanations.

Get the passwords and run RDP

First you need to connect to the server. LCS will help you to achieve this. Get the shortcurt that allows you to connect to the remote desktop. The login/password are available in LCS.

Note somewhere the password for axdbadmin under LCS, named XXXXXXXXXXX for what’s coming.

Activate maintenance mode

Then, when connected to the server, you need to run the following command in a prompt :

K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe –metadatadir K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory –bindir  :\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin –sqlserver . –sqldatabase axdb –sqluser axdbadmin –sqlpwd XXXXXXXXXXX –setupmode maintenancemode –isinmaintenancemode true

Note : for running a command prompt, you just need to navigate to the start menu and dial « cmd ».

Here is an example of a prompt.

When this done, you need to restart the AOS for the update to be taken into account. Dial ISS in the start menu, and open it. Then, right clic and restart as shown here.

When the AOS has restarted, it may be not so long. You are now in maintenance mode, and you can activate the financial dimensions.

Desactivate maintenance mode

When it’s done, think to desactivate the maintenance mode. You may have wrong impacts. You haven’t done it yet !

To do that, run the following command in the same way you just did before.

K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe –metadatadir K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory –bindir  :\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin –sqlserver . –sqldatabase axdb –sqluser axdbadmin –sqlpwd XXXXXXXXXXX  –setupmode maintenancemode –isinmaintenancemode false

Restart the AOS, and you’re done.

During those step, be aware that it will impact every user connected on your MSDyn365FO environnement. Just a remainder 😊.

Guillaume FAGES & Yohann ROLLAND


  1. Hi guys,

    Do you also follow this procedure in Production or is the by another way within LCS ?

    Thank you so much for this procedure !

    1. Hi,
      I think like a lot of stuff in production : open a case / ask Microsoft to do it.
      It shouldn’t be a daily task to activate new financial dimension in Production (in opposition as a test environnement).

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