2 octobre 2018 One comment Press Review D365Tour Press Review – September 2018 Posted by admin2897 D365Tour Newsletter - September 2018 What's up on Ignite 2018 ? Microsoft Ignite 2018: What’s in it for me? Toutes les annonces faites lors de la conférence Ignite 2018 (FR) Top 3 things I learned at Microsoft Envision & Ignite - Cesar Cernuda #Microsoft, #Salesforce And #SAP CEOs: Why Customer-Centric Revolution Changes Everything Why The New Open Data Initiative By Microsoft, Adobe And SAP Could Revolutionize Customer Experience Microsoft Ignite 2018: Is Security Really What’s Stalling Your Cloud Migration? What’s new with Microsoft Cloud App Security - MS Ignite edition 2018 Datacenter/cloud/AI Volkswagen Connects With Microsoft for Auto CloudIntelligence artificielle: Microsoft muscle son effort de formation en France (FR)Explore Dynamics 365 AI offeringsHow AI is building better gas stations and transforming Shell’s global energy businessMicrosoft acquires AI startup Lobe to help people make deep learning models without codeMicrosoft is upping its #AI battle with Salesforce MSDyn365 Webcast Recap: Going mobile with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations #MSDyn365FO What’s new in data management framework for #MSDyn365FOWhat’s up with Platform 20 #MSDyn365FO ? BlogsTeam Manager license and the Regression Suite Automation ToolParallel accounting & Financial statementsSend to Azure Service Bus in #MSDyn365FOAdding display method in #MSDyn365FOReport your bugs, free-riders!Data entities in D365 AX7 to delete staging recordsExtensible Data Security examples – Secure by retail channelCommon Data Service / Talent / OthersExtend and integrate Dynamics 365 for Talent with Common Data Service for AppsIntroducing Microsoft.com/Learn Google, Amazon et Microsoft soutiennent la Banque Mondiale contre la famineEventsOctober 15 – 18 | Phoenix, Arizona – AXUG SummitNovember 6 -7 | Paris – Experiences 2018 – (FR)Power BI Tour Partager la publication "D365Tour Press Review – September 2018" FacebookTwitterPartager...Partages
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